
Hatching New Ideas
August 24, 2023
We were recently featured in an article from the Desert Southwest Conference. Writing for the conference, Rev. Rachel Gilmore said: “The Desert Southwest Conference is sending teams of clergy and laity to Denver in late August to participate in a “Hatchathon” hosted by Ministry Incubators. This is a three-day event where teams will “hatch” an idea and move through the stages of innovation to begin working on next steps…
Gift Giving
August 24, 2023
It seems like just about five minutes ago, I was talking to you about spring and the weather getting warmer. It certainly did that! Now we are looking at our calendars and thinking about how the end of the year will be here before we know it. It has been a busy summer for DSUMF. We actively participated in Annual Conference in Mesa, sponsoring many things, including refreshment breaks during the entire conference…
How Can We Help?
June 15, 2023
There are a number of successful services we provide at the Desert Southwest United Methodist Foundation. We offer investment management services. We offer charitable giving vehicles like donor advised funds and charitable gift annuities. We provide grants and scholarships. We offer educational services — this newsletter being an example — but we also work with individual congregations to educate their donors about wise giving…
Gift Planning
April 12, 2023
As the Foundation makes presentations to various congregations — usually right after worship services — one of the questions we hear most frequently is, “What is the difference between a will and a trust, and how do I know which one I need?” While determining your own needs are best explored with your professional advisors, we can help you in understanding the difference between a will and a trust…
The Gathering Retreat
Mar. 29, 2023
Clergy and retired members of the Annual Conference gathered recently to take part in a 48-hour retreat that was enjoyable, productive, and rewarding. With plenty of activities, from worship and prayer to meetings to board games and popcorn, there was something for everyone who attended. DSUMF was invited to host a “Fellowship Room.” This room was designed without any agenda or commitments…
New Legislation & a Different Way to Give
Jan. 24, 2023
We start a new year with new legislation that opens the door for a different way to give. Last week President Biden signed legislation that adds a new opportunity for giving from your IRA. For those who are at least 70.5 or older and have a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), there is now an opportunity to make a one-time Qualified Charitable Distribution of $50,000 and use it to set up a charitable gift annuity…
Year End Giving
Jan. 12, 2023
How quickly the end of the calendar year comes. Already we are getting questions about the wisest way to make a year-end gift. Two ways you might want to think about for your year-end giving are: 1. A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA and 2. A gift of appreciated stock. Anyone who has a traditional IRA and is 70.5 or older can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution from their IRA…
How to Maximize Your IRA Contributions
Oct. 20, 2022
It seems nearly impossible that it’s almost Fall! And as we consider all the activities and events the end of the year brings, for some of you it means thinking about your RMD. For those not yet reaching their seventies, the “RMD” is a Required Minimum Distribution from a traditional IRA. Those with a RMD have an opportunity to use some or all of the money they are required to take out annually for a charitable purpose…