Desert Southwest United Methodist Foundation (DSUMF)
Securing the Future

We Rise by
Lifting Others
We will partner with you to create legacies, maximize resources, and expand ministries through socially responsible investing and stewardship.
Financial Wellbeing Education
A partnership with Desert Southwest United Methodist Foundation is an experience with an economy of grace. We offer resources and seminars to help families and individuals with estate planning and legacy giving opportunities.
Supporting Churches & Faith Communities
Desert Southwest United Methodist Foundation 501(c)3 maximizes the resources of the organizations we serve. We provide Visible Good to our organizations through socially responsible investment opportunities and growth development programs like grants and scholarships to help organizations and individuals grow to their fullest potential.
Mission & Vision
To secure financial cornerstones of the church through preserving the generosity of faithful givers and by using gifts to create a legacy for the future.
To expand our reach to more churches and faith based organizations with superior services and growing assets under steadfast management.
Get Involved
Finances can appear to be complicated, but managing your resources based on socially responsible best practices has helped our clients grow their impact in the present and secure their impact for decades.
Do More Good
A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25
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Together, we can work towards securing the future through responsible stewardship and excellent service marked by grace.
Call Anytime: 602-798-8202