The Long Journey Scholarship

for Immigrant and DACAmented Students

The Desert Southwest Conference, in partnership with the Desert Southwest United Methodist Foundation is happy to offer this opportunity for the Long Journey Scholarship. This scholarship program recognizes students who have demonstrated exceptional leadership potential, are active in their community and/or within their local United Methodist Church, and who are pursuing a higher education. The scholarships assist students with the common financial challenge that they face while attending school. Multiple scholarships up to $1,000 may be awarded annually.

Qualified applicants must submit an application, a response to essay questions, an official transcript, and two (2) letters of recommendation prior to the June 30th or December 31st deadlines.

All scholars and applicants shall be notified of the award decision within 60 days of the application deadline. Scholarship funds shall be paid directly to their school, for the benefit of the scholars. The scholarship amounts may vary annually relative to the funds available.

Direct any questions to the Foundation office 602-798-8202 or



Please complete the following information and return by JUNE 30 OR DECEMBER 31 DEADLINE, to: or
Desert Southwest United Methodist Foundation
1300 S. Litchfield Road, Suite 110-B
Goodyear, AZ 85338

Marital Status

During the 2022-2023 academic year, I intend to be enrolled:

I attest to the following:

1 + 6 =

Please provide your thoughtful response to the following (word count limit 250 per question) and send in an email to

1. How has your immigration journey impacted your goal of attending a university, community college or trade school?
2. What are your career aspirations?
3. Who is your role model?
4. Why did you choose this school or program? 5. What has been one of your greatest achievements?

Letters of Recommendation (to be provided directly from the recommender):

Provide (2) letters of recommendation. These letters should specifically address the writers’ perception of 1) your gifts and skills, 2) your involvement in community and/or organizational leadership and contributions to your church, if applicable, and 3) your capacity to learn and grow and become a leader in your chosen field.

Note: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits an educational institution from releasing confidential, non-directory information about a student without a student’s consent. You may waive this right for faculty and staff when you ask them to write a letter of recommendation for this scholarship application process. It is your responsibility to provide this consent and to follow the appropriate protocol of your school.

Reminder: In order for your application to be considered, the following must be received by December 31 or June 30. It is your responsibility to verify all information has been received in our office by the due date.

• Completed Application
• Response to Essay Questions
• Official Transcript
• Two (2) Letters of Recommendation